Milk, no sugar.

"It's been a long day," said me every afternoon for the past 5 years, and I'll probably say it for the rest of my life. I'm just so busy, not necessarily proactive, but constantly doing something or listing things that I have to do. At the end of it all, my brain is a McDonald's burger and my body a packet of fries. And so, I do what I do every time I feel a breakdown approaching.
I make myself a cuppa tea.
Not just any tea, it has to be Earl Grey or Vanilla Rooibos. And a rusk on the side (they have seeds... technically they're healthy, right?) And I sit. And I ponder. And I write and dream and think about him, or the dishes in the sink that need a wash, or the fact that today was actually beautiful but I spent the hours stressing over the hours as they passed.

This is why I'm here. To sip my tea and discover 3 things that were beautiful today, or 3 things I should have done, shouldn't have ignored. Basically, to analyse how much attention I paid to the leaves underfoot and the girl that smiled at me over the counter. It's all about adjusting my perspective and forcing myself to see the world, not just look.

Now, I'm going to make myself a cuppa tea with the little milk I have left, and try to reflect on what made today splendid, so that tomorrow I'll bask in it with the abandonment of a tea bag in hot water.

Welcome to the teapot factory.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Day 1

Today hasn't been the most eventful day. In fact, it's been rather shitty. I have a chemistry test tomorrow and like a million assignments... but, I have scanned over today and managed to find 3 praise-worthy delicacies. It was pretty difficult to be frankly honest, I couldn't decide on anything meaningful. Tomorrow I'll have to look harder, notice a pretty bird or something. 

1. There was this sunset last night. I know technically it counts as yesterday's blessing, but I feel it deserves to flow into the current of today. It was that incredible. The sky literally went from light blue to flaming red, with the brightest streaks of pink and orange you can envision. This swirl of flaming colours, which so beautifully reflected the autumn leaves on the oaks outside, it was like the sky was a mirror of the street. Just, WOW.

2. I found this song. I'm pretty sure everyone else on the planet has heard it except me, I usually only discover the latest trends 3 months later, but today I heard it for the first time. And it's just the most epic song. Looking for the magic by Dwight Twilley Band (1977). Okay, so I'm hearing it almost 30 years after it was recorded... but it's too groovy to leave in the 70's. This baby is the new soundtrack to my life, I've been looking for this magic....

3. The jersey I'm wearing is the snuggiest, comfiest, juciest jersey ever to have been woven. It's actually my pa's, but he won't miss it. Here's a shoutout to men's clothing designers, you've got comfort down to near perfect.

One more thing, I just made the best cup of tea. No jokes, it's exquisite. 

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