Milk, no sugar.

"It's been a long day," said me every afternoon for the past 5 years, and I'll probably say it for the rest of my life. I'm just so busy, not necessarily proactive, but constantly doing something or listing things that I have to do. At the end of it all, my brain is a McDonald's burger and my body a packet of fries. And so, I do what I do every time I feel a breakdown approaching.
I make myself a cuppa tea.
Not just any tea, it has to be Earl Grey or Vanilla Rooibos. And a rusk on the side (they have seeds... technically they're healthy, right?) And I sit. And I ponder. And I write and dream and think about him, or the dishes in the sink that need a wash, or the fact that today was actually beautiful but I spent the hours stressing over the hours as they passed.

This is why I'm here. To sip my tea and discover 3 things that were beautiful today, or 3 things I should have done, shouldn't have ignored. Basically, to analyse how much attention I paid to the leaves underfoot and the girl that smiled at me over the counter. It's all about adjusting my perspective and forcing myself to see the world, not just look.

Now, I'm going to make myself a cuppa tea with the little milk I have left, and try to reflect on what made today splendid, so that tomorrow I'll bask in it with the abandonment of a tea bag in hot water.

Welcome to the teapot factory.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Day 3

A short day, but a beautiful one at that.

1. A stranger complimented my hair. I usually have a bit of an insecurity about my hair, I worry it's too curly or too frizzy. Often I've been told I resemble Simba, or a gladiator, or Tarzan... uhm? But today, a stranger made my little heart swell with pride for my mane when he confessed how "awesome" it is and how he wish he could grow hair like mine. Well, it's a semi compliment, but I'll take it.

2. There's nothing better than a good night of beer and pizza and music with friends. I went out with my boyfriend's crew tonight, and we had an absolute time. It's so good to meet new people and expand the pond a little, bring in some new fishies. Added bonus: these people are fantastic - so welcoming and plenty of banter. Can never get enough of great company such as that!

3. I had a lovely, lazy morning. Woke up at 10, finished the movie I started last night (it's quite cute actually, Austenland), and made myself some delectable breaky. To be honest, I don't usually have lazy mornings during the week but I think I needed one. It's been so busy with tests and projects... but I did feel a bit sluggish afterwards. Limiting lazy days to once a week... give or take.

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